Happy New Year!

Happy 2022!

Happy 2022 from the ClarkenSteins! 2021 was maybe a little more normal than 2020. Dave’s job changed again; he’s now overseeing several departments and programs involved with student success and (in theory) he’s still a English professor. Some days that’s hard to remember. Natalia continues to work in Biophysics at the Medical College, but this year got to spend more time in the lab since (thank god) the boys were back in face-to-face school and daycare.

Stuff we did

Remember back in May when it felt like we were seeing the end at the light of the pandemic tunnel? We went to an indoor waterpark, which seems crazy now. It feels like we spent most of 2021 at home or outside, apart from work and school. And Natalia and Dave took dance lessons while masked up in a very hot room, and we can now do a passable rumba. What a shame that no footage survived.

Iron Monocle, for which Dave “plays bass,” also played a gig during that exciting early part of the year, but otherwise we mostly hung around outside and drank beer virtually.

“Band practice”

The boys spent a ton of time on school and on music; Misha plays piano and violin (and is still having mostly virtual recitals, which is awesome), and Lev has started the violin. At the moment we’re excited to go sledding just as soon as we get some worthwhile snow.

In our natural environment on the couch.

Here’s hoping your 2022 is off to a good start, and that you’re staying warm or cool as appropriate. Happy new year!